Unreal Engine Foundations
GRX LMS Walkthrough
Getting Started
GRX LMS Walkthrough
Course Overview.pdf
Unreal Engine Foundations FAQs
GRX Immersive Labs Terms & Services Agreement
Student Best Practices
Unreal Engine Foundations Pre-Assessment
IMPORTANT: UE Lessons Linked in Task Lists. Downlo...
MODULE 1: Navigating Unreal Engine
M1 Student Task List
M1 Outline
M1 Accessing UE Learn
M1 Setting Up Epic Games Account and Downloading U...
Navigating Unreal Engine Demo
Jaunt VR Field Guide
Important: Submit Assignments As Video Recordings ...
Module 2: Unreal Engine Assets & Post-Process Volu...
M2 Student Task List
M2 Outline
Lighting & Post-Process Volume in UE5
Post-Process Volume Demo
M1 Landscape Activity Prep Demo
Cinematic Lighting in Unreal Engine
Cinematic Tips & Tricks
Submit Recreate A Scene in UE Assignment
Module 3: Landscape Mode
M3 Student Task List
M3 Outline
Landscape Recreation Demo
Submit Project Landscape Creation Assignment
Module 4: Blueprints I: The Blueprint Editor
M4 Student Task List
M4 Outline
Anatomy of a Blueprint
Variables 101
Programming 101
Functions and Best Practices
Blueprint Editor and Play Testing Demo
Sliding Door Blueprint Demo
Animation Blueprint Demo
Module 5: Blueprints II: Scripting
M5 Student Task List
M5 Outline
Blueprint Ideas List
BP Idea Overview
Submit Blueprint Creation Assignment
Module 6: Blueprints III: Introduction to Unreal M...
M6 Student Task List
M6 Outline
Widget BP Creation Overview
Widget BP Demo
Submit Widget Blueprint Creation Assignment
Module 7: Animations I: Animation BPs
M7 Student Task List
M7 Outline
The Animation BP: An Overview
Animation BP Demo
Submit Animation BP Creation Assignment
Module 8: Animations II: Metahumans
M8 Student Task List
Creating MetaHumans
M8 Outline
Module 9: Sequencer I: Sequencer Basics
M9 Student Task List
M9 Outline
Sequencer: Summary of Terms
Submit Sequencer Basics Assignment
Module 10: Sequencer II: Master Sequencer
M10 Student Task List
M10 Outline
Sliding Doors Demo
Video Textures Demo
Submit Master Sequencer Assignment
Important: There are no module outlines for Module...
Module 11: Course Review
M11 Student Task List
Unreal Engine Foundations Post-Assessment
Module 12: Showcase
M12 Student Task List
Submit Final Cinematic Project
Course Wrap-Up
Unreal Engine Course Evaluation
Course info
Course info
Unreal Engine Foundations
Getting Started
GRX LMS Walkthrough
Course Overview.pdf
Unreal Engine Foundations FAQs
GRX Immersive Labs Terms & Services Agreement
Student Best Practices
Unreal Engine Foundations Pre-Assessment
IMPORTANT: UE Lessons Linked in Task Lists. Download Fi...
MODULE 1: Navigating Unreal Engine
M1 Student Task List
M1 Outline
M1 Accessing UE Learn
M1 Setting Up Epic Games Account and Downloading Unreal Engine
Navigating Unreal Engine Demo
Jaunt VR Field Guide
Important: Submit Assignments As Video Recordings for F...
Module 2: Unreal Engine Assets & Post-Process Volume
M2 Student Task List
M2 Outline
Lighting & Post-Process Volume in UE5
Post-Process Volume Demo
M1 Landscape Activity Prep Demo
Cinematic Lighting in Unreal Engine
Cinematic Tips & Tricks
Submit Recreate A Scene in UE Assignment
Module 3: Landscape Mode
M3 Student Task List
M3 Outline
Landscape Recreation Demo
Submit Project Landscape Creation Assignment
Module 4: Blueprints I: The Blueprint Editor
M4 Student Task List
M4 Outline
Anatomy of a Blueprint
Variables 101
Programming 101
Functions and Best Practices
Blueprint Editor and Play Testing Demo
Sliding Door Blueprint Demo
Animation Blueprint Demo
Module 5: Blueprints II: Scripting
M5 Student Task List
M5 Outline
Blueprint Ideas List
BP Idea Overview
Submit Blueprint Creation Assignment
Module 6: Blueprints III: Introduction to Unreal Motion...
M6 Student Task List
M6 Outline
Widget BP Creation Overview
Widget BP Demo
Submit Widget Blueprint Creation Assignment
Module 7: Animations I: Animation BPs
M7 Student Task List
M7 Outline
The Animation BP: An Overview
Animation BP Demo
Submit Animation BP Creation Assignment
Module 8: Animations II: Metahumans
M8 Student Task List
Creating MetaHumans
M8 Outline
Module 9: Sequencer I: Sequencer Basics
M9 Student Task List
M9 Outline
Sequencer: Summary of Terms
Submit Sequencer Basics Assignment
Module 10: Sequencer II: Master Sequencer
M10 Student Task List
M10 Outline
Sliding Doors Demo
Video Textures Demo
Submit Master Sequencer Assignment
Important: There are no module outlines for Modules 11 ...
Module 11: Course Review
M11 Student Task List
Unreal Engine Foundations Post-Assessment
Module 12: Showcase
M12 Student Task List
Submit Final Cinematic Project
Course Wrap-Up
Unreal Engine Course Evaluation
Completion rules
All units must be completed
Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever
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